When considering available options for setting up active learning spaces, remember locations around campus that can be useful for many groups. If these revamped environments can benefit a large number of students, not only is it more cost effective, but the positive outcomes of the active learning model will be more evident.
One of the challenges can be to find the right space to revamp due to internal political considerations. If the room being considered is restricted for use within in a particular department, others within the organization might understandably object that the proposed revamp will only benefit a relative minority of users.
One potential solution is to select central hubs where students gather and brainstorm ways to utilize these areas. One idea is to repurpose a portion of the library as an active learning center. Room to study, teach, and interact are the factors to consider most.
With all academic focuses having equal access to a single location, the active learning center can be geared to accommodate a variety of learning styles and outcomes. This is a unique and all-inclusive approach that will yield positive results across the board.
(Source: Campus Technology)